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Litteraturdatabasen SGI-Line innehåller cirka 85.000 hänvisningar till internationell geoteknisk och miljögeoteknisk litteratur. Databasen produceras av Statens geotekniska institut, SGI och är en av få i världen med renodlat geotekniskt innehåll.
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Svensk litteratur
Modelling the creep of deep foundations in soft Gothenburg clays Wood, T, Karstunen, M; European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering; 2017, 19 p Ref no 85725 More info In-situ testing of floating thermal piles in soft sensitive clay Bergström, A; Chalmers University of Technology. Department of Architchture and Civil Engineering. Division of Geology and Geotechnics. Licentiate thesis; 2017, 92 p Ref no 85826 More info 'Geogruppen', ett unikt samarbete kring massundanträngning i centrala Göteborg Bouzas, C; Grundläggningsdagen 2018: Stött och blöt, Stockholm, 15 mars, 2018; 2018, pp 69-91 Ref no 86021 Hur stöttas Kungsbackaleran? Oskarsson, R; Grundläggningsdagen 2018: Stött och blöt, Stockholm, 15 mars, 2018; 2018, pp 143-157 Ref no 86025 Nya Slussen - att bygga mycket och trångt i Stadsmiljö Lidehorn, O, Beijer Lundberg, A; Bygg & Teknik; 2018, vol 110, no 1, pp 12-14, 16-17 Ref no 85917 Sponthandboken 2018. Dimensionering av temporära stödkonstruktioner Fredriksson, A, Stille, H, Kullingsjö, A, Ryner, A; Pålkommissionen. Rapport 107; 2018, 268 p Ref no 86083 Trehundratusen meter pålar i diket Wallgren, J, Sabattini, M; Grundläggningsdagen 2018: Stött och blöt, Stockholm, 15 mars, 2018; 2018, pp 247-259 Ref no 86032 FRP, framtidens material för reparation av undervattenspålar? Uddmyr, A, Mara, V, Röös, J; Bygg & Teknik; 2018, vol 110, no 1, pp 46-48 Ref no 85925 Kunskap om överföring av vibrationer vid spontdrivning ger lägre skadekostnad Deckner, F, Hintze, S, Viking, K; Bygg & Teknik; 2018, vol 110, no 1, pp 78-80 Ref no 85931 Wave patterns in the ground: Case studies related to vibratory sheet pile driving Deckner, F, Viking, K, Hintze, S; Geotechnical and Geological Engineering; 2017, vol 35, no 6, pp 2863-2878 Ref no 85768 More info Allt du borde kunna men inte vågar fråga - om Grundläggningsmaskiner Haabma Hintze, L, Pettersson, J; Bygg & Teknik; 2018, vol 110, no 1, pp 40-42 Ref no 85923 Utländsk litteratur
Design of single piles, small pile groups, and wide piled foundations Fellenius, BH; International conference on advancement of pile technolgy and pile case histories, PILE 2017, Bali, September 25-27, 2017. Proceedings, vol. 1; 2017, 15 p Ref no 85780 Influence of soil set up on the bearing capacity of pile in clays Pratama, MY, Astriani, B, Rahardjo, PP; International conference on advancement of pile technolgy and pile case histories, PILE 2017, Bali, September 25-27, 2017. Proceedings, vol. 2; 2017, 10 p Ref no 85781 Full-scale tests on effects of slope on lateral capacity of piles installed in cohesive soils Nimityongskul, N, Kawamata, Y, Rayamajhi, D, Ashford, SA; ASCE. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; 2018, vol 144, no 1, 12 p Ref no 85935 More info Laterally loaded single piles - Construction of P-Y curves from the cone penetration test Bouafia, A; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 2957-2960 Ref no 85913 More info Capacite portante et tassement des pieux basés sur l'essai de chargement de pointe penetrometrique Reiffsteck, P, Van de Graaf, H, Jacquard, C; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 2841-2844 Ref no 85911 More info Effect of soil layering on shorter-term pile setup Ng, K, Ksaibati, R; ASCE. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering; 2018, vol 144, no 5, 12 p Ref no 85980 More info Review of capacity of 45 year old piles via restrike PDA testing Kristinof, R, Cowan, S, Turner, S; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 1373-1376 Ref no 85971 More info Numerical simulations of the reuse of piled raft foundations in clay Sheil, B; Acta Geotechnica; 2017, vol 12, no 5, pp 1047-1059 Ref no 85649 More info International conference on advancement of pile technolgy and pile case histories, PILE 2017, Bali, September 25-27, 2017. Proceedings, vol. 1-2. Eds: Rahardjo, PP, Hutapea, BM Universitas Katolik Parahyangan; 2017, 787 p Ref no 85769 Finite element back-analysis of an anchored wall in Dublin Boulder Clay Kovacevic, N, Menkiti, C, Long, M, Potts, D; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 773-776 Ref no 85903 More info Wedged piles under light structures Mets, M, Leppik, V, Needo, R; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 943-946 Ref no 85904 More info In-situ test campaign of vibrodriven sheet piles Denies, N, Huybrechts, N, Bourdouxhe, MP, Fagot, A; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 1275-1278 Ref no 85905 More info Combined helix piles-raft foundation for supporting road construction on peat soil Arsyad, A, Ratu, IHY; International conference on advancement of pile technolgy and pile case histories, PILE 2017, Bali, September 25-27, 2017. Proceedings, vol. 2; 2017, 12 p Ref no 85782 7th Annual conference on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India, IIT Madras, India, 5-7 October, 2017. Proceedings Deep Foundations Institute, DFI India / Indian Institute of Technology Madras / Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS); 2017, 285 p Ref no 85706 Bidirectional pile testing: what to expect Salem, H, Fellenius, BH; 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoOttawa 2017: 70 Years of Canadian Geotechnics and Geoscience and the 12th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, October 1-4, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, 7 p Ref no 85712 Intelligent pattern recognition model to automate the categorization of pile damage Garcia, S, Romero, J, Lopez-Molina, J; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 2743-2746 Ref no 85912 More info Study of a new installation technique for large diameter monopiles Anusic, I, Eiksund, GR, Meissl, S, Liingaard, MA; 19th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Seoul, Korea, 17-22 September, 2017. Proceedings; 2017, pp 2261-2264 Ref no 85907 More info