Information about the Swedish Commission on Pile Research
The committee was appointed to the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and became known as the Swedish Pile Commission. From its inception, it served as an "interdisciplinary forum" for sharing of information and efforts, as it was made up of essentially all contractors, geotechnical engineering consultants, researchers, and representatives of building authorities in Sweden. It also has several members from the neighboring countries. In 1959, under Fellenius' chairmanship, the Commission performed and reported the first ever dynamic measurements on very long ordinary reinforced, precast concrete piles, clarifying many of the question pertaining to damaging tension forces during initial driving and set-up of capacity with time. The Pile Commission has had a major positive effect on the Swedish development of piling techniques and building codes, and has published a large number of reports and practical guidelines.
The work of the Commission on Pile Research constitutes a central part of the research in the field of piling in Sweden. The Commission has contributed greatly to purpose-built and cost-effective pile foundations that now are made using Swedish piling techniques. The Secretariat and Working Groups constitute a forum for discussions and development of piling technology. The Commission’s members include contractors, pile manufacturers, researchers, consultants, authorities and municipalities in this field. The Swedish Pile Commission, which spans boundaries between authorities, manufacturers, consultants and contractors, is unique in Europe.
Achievements of the Commission
» Standardisation of pile materials and pile-driving rules
» In-depth knowledge of pile function through information exchange at meetings, seminars and publications etc
» Better utilisation of pile materials and more economical pile foundations
» Development of measuring equipment and types of piles
» Reports forming standards and guidelines for the design of different types of piles Piling techniques changes rapidly, both in Sweden and other countries. New demands for research are continuously being identified.
The main task of the Commission is to contribute to the development of Swedish piling techniques both at home and abroad:
» Producing and giving priority to research and development programmes in piling
» Initiating and conducting research and development work within the Commission’s Working Groups
» Following up and evaluating research activities in piling
» Spreading information on research and development results in piling
The Commission’s organisation and working methods enable research results to be communicated rapidly to its member companies. Some 70% of the Commission’s resources are used for research activities and synthesis, while the remainder is dedicated to reviews, standards, type approvals and information activities. Research areas and working groups Working groups or individual specialists carry out the research and development work. New working groups are established as required.